The list of potential schools is virtually endless, so you will likely identify important criteria to narrow down the options and help you select the school that would be the best fit for you.
One important consideration is reputation. You want a school with a record of high academic standards where you can be confident you will get a first-rate education and benefit from faculty with impressive credentials in their fields. Earning a degree or certificate from a school with a well-respected name can also be a valuable asset to have on your résumé, as employers will trust that you have the skills and knowledge they are seeking.
Penn State has a legacy of academic excellence
Penn State has built a strong name that few other schools can rival. We are one of the top public research institutions in the nation. We are also a trailblazer in the field of online education, having established a deep history of providing education from a distance — most notably with the creation of Penn State World Campus in 1998, long before most other schools even considered the possibility of online programs.
In addition, Penn State is consistently ranked as among the best schools for online programs by U.S. News & World Report and other trusted sources.
Is Penn State a Tier 1 school?
When researching colleges and universities, you may sometimes see references to “Tier 1” schools. The definition of a “Tier 1” school can be a bit murky because the term is used in different ways. Sometimes people use it to mean Ivy League schools, but other times it is a general way to refer to schools that are well-respected or have a strong reputation. Penn State certainly fits the latter definition, with its strong track record of upholding rigorous academic standards.
The broad advantages of a Penn State education
Of course, academics isn’t the only thing that sets Penn State apart. As a Penn State World Campus student (and future graduate), you will be part of a University family that is legendary for providing support, community, and networking opportunities.
Browse all of the programs offered at Penn State World Campus and begin your application now.