Online Degree and Certificate Programs

Flexible Online Nursing Programs

Distinguish yourself in the medical profession with a respected and recognized nursing credential.

The Real Penn State

You will receive the same diploma that all Penn State graduates receive.

CCNE Accreditation

Choose CCNE–accredited nursing degree programs.

12NursingDegrees and Certificates

 A nurse stands behind a chalkboard with a graduation cap on the chalkboard
Applying to a nursing program: RN to BSN,
The words of the Nursing Sciences Building are shown on an awning hanging over the entrance.
Applying to a nursing program: Master of Nursing or Doctor of Nursing Practice,
a nurse looks into a child patient's mouth in an office
New specializations for patient care added to online nurse practitioner program,
You have to make it happen. Nothing’s impossible if you focus and put your time in. Every bit of information that I have from Penn State is used every day on the job. The experience never ends.
— Michael Bach, Bachelor of Science in Nursing