100% Online
Complete your Penn State course work at your own pace and 100% online.
Application deadline
Credits and costs
Nationally Recognized

Apply Psychological Concepts and Theories to Research and Real-Life Situations
Use critical and creative thinking, skeptical inquiry, and the scientific approach to solve problems related to behavior and mental processes.
Demonstrate knowledge of major psychological concepts, theories, and empirical findings.
Evaluate and translate scientific information to effectively communicate psychological knowledge into everyday language.
Analyze and interpret quantitative psychological data using statistics, graphs, and data tables.
Study in a Variety of Online Courses
Study in a Variety of Online Courses
The Bachelor of Science in Psychology program offers flexibility in designing a curriculum that suits your goals and career plans. Course topics include:
- psychology and biology
- writing and research skills
- finance and economics
- ethics
- humanities and social sciences
The bachelor of science degree requires students to complete a minimum of 123 credits. To earn this degree, you must successfully complete:
- 50 credits required for the major
- 13 prescribed course credits
- 34 additional major course credits
- 24 additional option and supporting course credits
- 15 business option credits or 15 life science option credits
- 9 supporting course and related areas credits
- 36 General Education credits
- 13 elective credits
A grade of C or better is required for all courses in the major.
19 credits of psychology courses, including at least 9 credits at the 300 or 400 levels, must be completed in the Psychology Department at World Campus or University Park.
Psychology Program Entrance-to-Major Requirements
To change your major from liberal arts to psychology, you will have earned at least 27½ credits and a C or better in the following courses:
- PSYCH 100
- STAT 200 or PSYCH 200
- a 3-credit General Quantitative Course (not including STAT 200)
- a 3-credit Social and Behavioral Science Course (in addition to PSYCH 100)
Students may take an internship for credit. Enrollment in PSYCH 495 is by permission and requires approval of an internship placement and plan of study. A maximum of 3 credits of PSYCH 495 may be applied to 400-level course requirements for the psychology major. Three credits requires a minimum of 120 hours of work, plus an academic component. Enrollment is limited to 10 students and will be on a first-come, first-served basis. Please read the program guidelines before submitting the internship form.
Prescribed Courses (13 credits)
- 3credits
Introduces students to the types of writing that social scientists typically do in the workplace, including research proposals, proper citation practices, literature reviews, and research reports.
- 3credits
Introduction to general psychology; principles of human behavior and their applications.
- 3credits
Overview of history and methods of psychology as a science and profession; applications and ethical issues in psychology.
- Prerequisite
- 4credits
Introduction to methods of psychological research, with special attention to hypothesis formation and testing, threats to validity, and data presentation.
- Prerequisite
PSYCH 100 and PSYCH 200 or STAT 200
- 3credits
Capstone experience for senior psychology majors; review of current research literature; topics vary.
- Prerequisite
PSYCH 301W and 6 credits in 400-level PSYCH courses
Additional Courses
Select 6 credits of General Quantitative Courses (GQ) and:
- 3credits
This course provides an introduction to the descriptive and inferential statistics commonly used in psychology, and to hypothesis testing as a method of scientific investigation. It also explores the ways in which the assumptions of statistical tests place constraints on experimental design and, conversely, how the design of experiments can dictate the statistical test appropriate for data analysis.
- Prerequisite
PSYCH 100 and MATH 21
- or:4credits
Descriptive Statistics, frequency distributions, probability and normal distributions, statistical inference, linear regression, and correlation.
- Prerequisite
Placement into MATH 21 or higher.
Select 12 credits of 200-level PSY courses (not to include PSYCH 294, PSYCH 296, or PSYCH 297). At least 3 credits must be from each group A, B, and C:
Group A
- 3credits
This course is an introduction to cognition, an area of psychology that investigates the ways in which we acquire, store, create and use knowledge.
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
An introduction to biopsychology, emphasizing the structure and function of the human brain.
- Prerequisite
Group B
- 3credits
Developmental principles; physical growth; linguistic, intellectual, emotional, and social development from infancy to maturity.
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
Introduction to Social Psychology discusses how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other people (real or imagined). The course will provide an overview of the field, potentially covering such topics as: attitudes, persuasion, person perception, automatic vs. conscious thought, the self, prosocial behavior, aggression, interpersonal attribution, conformity, obedience, culture, groups, prejudice and discrimination from a psychological perspective.
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
The focus of this course in general is on the psychological study of gender in historical and contemporary perspective. The historical roots of gender studies in women's studies, as a correction to a traditional focus on male and masculine perspectives, will be covered.
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
Personality psychology involves examining theories of human nature and evaluating them in an empirical fashion.
- Prerequisite
Group C
- 3credits
Applying psychological knowledge to develop and maintain effective personal adjustment and well-being and positive social relations.
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
This course focuses on some of the topics and questions people most commonly ask about psychology: What are the different psychological disorders, and what are they like? How do clinicians diagnose someone with a disorder? What do therapists actuallydoin therapy?
- Prerequisite
- 3credits
Personnel selection, training, accident prevention, morale, and organizational behavior.
Additional PSYCH Courses
Select 12 credits of PSYCH courses at the 400 level (not including PSYCH 490, and including no more than 3 credits of PSYCH 493, PSYCH 494, PSYCH 495, or PSYCH 496).
Program Options
The B.S. in Psychology offers two options, each option consists of 24 credits. Additional and supporting course requirements vary based on the selected option.
Business Option (select 24 credits)
Select 15 total credits from at least 3 different groups:
- 4credits
Introduction to the role of accounting numbers in the process of managing a business and in investor decision-making.
- Prerequisite
MATH 21 or a higher math course or a satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination
- 3credits
Methods of economic analysis and their use; price determination; theory of the firm; distribution.
- 3credits
National income measurement; aggregate economic models; money and income; policy problems.
- 3credits
Allocation of resources and distribution of income within various market structures, with emphasis on analytical tools.
- Prerequisite
ECON 102
- 3credits
Nature of finance function; risk and return concepts; working capital; dividend policies; mergers; security markets; acquisition and management of corporate capital; analysis of operations; forecasting capital requirements; raising capital; and planning profits. Available to baccalaureate students only.
- Prerequisite
(ENGL 15 or ENGL 30) and ACCTG 211 and (ECON 102 or ECON 104) and (SCM 200 or STAT 200)
- 3credits
The transnational politics of trade, investment, aid, raw materials, and the environment; nation-states, multinational corporations, and the U.N.
- Prerequisite
ECON 102, ECON 104, or IB 303
- 3credits
Advanced analysis of public policy, emphasizing policy evaluation and the factors that determine policy success and failure.
- 3credits
Covers terminology and important concepts related to marketing in the business environment. Domestic and international environments that impact marketing are included, with particular emphasis on the marketing environment, segmentation, positioning, and targeting. Not available to students who have taken BA 303.
- Prerequisite
(ENGL 15 or ENGL 30) and (ECON 102 or ECON 104) and (MATH 021 or higher or satisfactory score on the mathematics placement examination.)
Management/Law and Ethics/Labor Relations/Communications
- 3credits
Examines the function and structure of communication in both formal and informal situations.
- 3credits
Examination of the social, political, historic, and scientific factors in the development and organization of health services.
- 3credits
Introductory analysis of the employment relationship and the interrelated interests of management, workers, unions, and the public.
- 3credits
Development of Anglo-American law regulating collective bargaining, with emphasis on American labor-management relations under Wagner, Taft-Hartley, and other acts.
- 3credits
Explores ethics from both a normative and behavioral perspective; four interrelated and mutually reinforcing subject areas will be explored in the course at the individual, organizational and transnational levels business ethics, ethics in unionized firms, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability.
- Prerequisite
LHR 100 or fifth-semester standing or 3 other credits of LHR
- 3credits
Applies organizational behavior theories, concepts, and skills to leading and motivating individuals and groups.
- 3credits
Designing organizations to effectively manage new technologies, structures, and people in changing global contexts.
- 3credits
Leaders, in whatever context, make difficult decisions, distribute scarce resources, direct and influence the conduct of others, and represent the goals of the enterprise they lead. Thus they ought to exemplify prudence, fairness, integrity, honesty, trustworthiness, sincerity, and morally upright behavior. This course investigates these concepts and the moral dilemmas that arise in developing or applying them.
- 3credits
Supply chain management concepts, principles, and methodologies.
- Prerequisite
ACCTG 211 and ECON 102 and (SCM 200 or STAT 200)
Global View/Gender and Race/History
- 3credits
The impact of inequality and discrimination on individual and group identity among various racial and ethnic groups.
- or:3credits
The impact of inequality and discrimination on individual and group identity among various racial and ethnic groups.
- 3credits
A survey of the major aspects of international business environment and operations with an emphasis on the cultural dimension.
- 3credits
The use, analysis, and design of information systems and technologies to organize, coordinate, and inform human enterprises.
- 3credits
Employment relations and legislative and policy responses to labor force issues of racial and gender inequality.
- 3credits
Examination of basic legal principles underlying the employment relationship, and their social, political, and economic bases.
- 3credits
A study of selected problems in the history of work in the United States, especially since 1877.
Business Option Supporting Courses (select 9 credits)
- 3 credits of Arts (GA)/Humanities (GH)
- 3 credits of Natural Sciences (GN)
- 3 credits of Social & Behavior Sciences (GS)
Life Sciences Option (select 24 credits)
Select 15 total credits from at least 3 different groups:
- 3credits
Human heredity and evolution, individual and social implications.
Biological Anthropology
- 3credits
The role of human biology and evolution in culture, society, and behavior.
- 3credits
The biological basis of human behavior within the context of primate biology, behavior, and evolution.
- 3credits
Health care from an individual, family, and community standpoint illustrated with specific diseases and health problems.
- 3credits
This course is designed for nutrition majors and non-majors to provide a broad understanding of general principles of nutrition. Concepts covered include the essential nutrients, digestion, absorption, transport, and food sources.
Biobehavioral Implications
Any BBH course (except BBH 310)
- 3credits
This course is designed to increase student awareness of personal, interpersonal, and societal aspects of disability, including how disability can be defined and understood differently in varied individual, institutional, and cultural contexts.
- 4credits
A study of the fundamental concepts of biology, including the evolution of the major groups of organisms. This is the first biology course taken by students who intend to major in biology. It provides a foundation in the basic concepts that govern life, including the evolutionary processes that have led to the biodiversity seen today.
- 3credits
Normal structure and function of the animal body, with special emphasis on human body systems.
- 3credits
Examination of human aging from a biological perspective. Population demographics, physiological and pathological changes, and healthy lifestyles are discussed. Students who have passed BIOL 409 may not schedule this course.
- 3credits
Human Anatomy and Physiology I - Lecture
- 3credits
Basic structure and function of the human reproductive system. Physiology of gametogenesis, fertilization, contraception, gestation, parturition, lactation, and sexual behavior.
- 3credits
Basic concepts and quantitative relations.
- 1credit
Introduction to quantitative experimentation in chemistry.
- Prerequisite or Concurrent
CHEM 110 or CHEM 106
Life Sciences Option Supporting Courses (select 9 credits)
- 3 credits of Natural Sciences (GN)
- 6 credits of Social & Behavior Sciences (GS)
Electives (select 10–13 credits)
Elective courses will be chosen in consultation with your adviser.
General Education Requirements
Some General Education requirements may be satisfied by courses required for the major. Students should work with an adviser to select courses.
- Foundations: 15 credits
All courses require a grade of C or better. Inter-Domain courses may not be used for foundations requirements.- Writing/Speaking: 9 credits
- Quantification: 6 credits
3-6 credits are selected from mathematics, applied mathematics, and statistics; 3 credits may be selected from computer science or symbolic logic.
- Knowledge Domains: 15 credits
Inter-Domain courses may not be used for knowledge domain requirements.- Health and Wellness (GHW): 3 credits
- Natural Sciences (GN): 3 credits
- Arts (GA): 3 credits
- Humanities (GH): 3 credits
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (GS): 3 credits
- Integrative Studies: 6 credits
- Inter-Domain course work: 6 credits
- Exploration: 9 credits
- Natural Sciences (GN) (may be Inter-Domain): 3 credits
- GA, GH, GN, GS, and Inter-Domain courses: 6 credits
May include 3 credits of World Language course work beyond the requirements of the student’s degree program or at the 12th credit level, whichever is higher.
These General Education Requirements are for students who started in summer 2023 or later. Students who started earlier can review the prior version of the general education requirements.
Course Availability
If you're ready to see when your courses will be offered, visit our public LionPATH course search (opens in new window) to start planning ahead.
Broaden Your Career Options

Broaden Your Career Options
You can use the knowledge gained from this program and the support of Penn State career resources to pursue careers in a variety of fields, depending on your goals.
Job Titles Related to This Degree
The following roles are often held by people with this type of degree:
- Research Associate
- Research Interviewer
- Residential Counselor
- Survey Research Consultant
- Therapeutic Assistant
Employment Outlook for Occupational Fields Related to This Degree
Estimates of employment growth and total employment are provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and are subject to change. While these occupations are often pursued by graduates with this degree, individual outcomes may vary depending on a variety of factors. Penn State World Campus cannot guarantee employment in a given occupation.
Social Science Research Assistants
Survey Researchers
Career Path Variety
Graduates of the life sciences option are prepared for various career paths and positions in:
- counseling
- health care
- other professions that provide care for substance abuse, eating disorders, or other disorders involving both behavior and biology
Graduates of the business option are prepared for a range of careers in:
- business
- human resources
- management
- health care administration
Career Services to Set You Up for Success

From the day you're accepted as a student, you can access resources and tools provided by Penn State World Campus Career Services to further your career. These resources are beneficial whether you're searching for a job or advancing in an established career.
- Opportunities to connect with employers
- Career counselor/coach support
- Occupation and salary information
- Internships
- Graduate school resources
Upcoming Events
Ready to Learn More?
Get the resources you need to make informed decisions about your education. Request information on this program and other programs of interest by completing this form.
Ready to take the next step toward your Penn State bachelor's degree?
Costs and Financial Aid
Costs and Financial Aid
Learn about this program's tuition, fees, scholarship opportunities, grants, payment options, and military benefits.
Costs and Financial Aid
Undergraduate Tuition
Undergraduate tuition is calculated based on the number of credits for which you register and the number of total credits you have accrued at or transferred to Penn State.
Tuition is due shortly after each semester begins and rates are assessed every semester of enrollment.
2024–25 Academic Year Rates
How many credits do you plan to take per semester? | If you have 59 or fewer credits | If you have 60 or more credits |
11 or fewer | $632 per credit | $678 per credit |
12–19 | $7,678 per semester | $8,288 per semester |
2025–26 Academic Year Rates
How many credits do you plan to take per semester? | If you have 59 or fewer credits | If you have 60 or more credits |
11 or fewer | $638 per credit | $685 per credit |
12–19 | $7,755 per semester | $8,371 per semester |
Undergraduate students taking more than 19 credits will be charged the flat tuition rate plus the regular per credit hour rate for each credit above 19.
Financial Aid and Military Benefits
Some students may qualify for financial aid. Take the time to research financial aid, scholarships, and payment options as you prepare to apply. Federal financial aid may only be used to pay for credits used to satisfy program requirements.
Military service members, veterans, and their spouses or dependents should explore these potential military education benefits and financial aid opportunities, as well.
Additional Cost of Attendance Details
To view the detailed list of cost of attendance elements:
- visit the Tuition Information site
- click the plus sign to expand the table
- select a semester from the World Campus row
Choose an Option That Fits Your Interests
Customize your bachelor’s degree and supplement your psychology course work by choosing the option that aligns with your career goals.
Complement your education in psychology with course work focused on the life sciences most closely related to psychology, including:
- anthropology
- biology
- biobehavioral health
The life sciences option is an excellent choice for individuals considering graduate education in psychology.
Enhance the analytic and communication skills acquired in your core psychology course work by studying:
- business
- leadership
- ethics
- diversity
The business option is an excellent choice for individuals considering further study in industrial-organizational psychology, consumer behavior, or leadership.
Who Should Apply?
Who Should Apply?
Penn State's online bachelor of science degree in psychology is designed for students interested in learning about behavior — normal and abnormal — how it's studied, and how it relates to different areas.
Graduates are prepared for various positions in human services, industrial settings, or laboratories. Some may go on to professional school, e.g., medical school or law school, or continue their training in psychology, working toward a master's or a doctoral degree.
A Degree to Meet Your Needs: B.S. or B.A.
In choosing which program best meets individual needs, you can consider personal interests and strengths, professional aspirations, and plans for graduate school and a master’s degree. For those with prior learning experience, the applicability of earlier course work to degree requirements may also be a consideration.
- 123-credit program
- 36 General Education requirements
- Additional course work closely relates to the major
- 123-credit program
- 39 General Education requirements
- Expanded focus includes foreign language and global culture and humanities
Join the World Campus Psychology Club — a Psi Chi Chapter
Join the World Campus Psychology Club — a Psi Chi Chapter
The world's first fully online psychology club was founded by World Campus students and includes more than 100 members from the United States, Europe, Afghanistan, and Iraq.
The Psychology Club uses video conferencing, Facebook, and its Mind Over Matters newsletter to keep members in touch with program faculty and staff and to let them know about graduate education options, internships, and career opportunities.
Set Your Own Pace

Set Your Own Pace
Whether you are looking to finish your program as quickly as possible or balance your studies with your busy life, Penn State World Campus can help you achieve your education goals. Many students take one or two courses per semester.
Our online courses typically follow a 12- to 15-week semester cycle, and there are three semesters per year (spring, summer, and fall). If you plan to take a heavy course load, you should expect your course work to be your primary focus and discuss your schedule with your academic adviser.
To Finish Your Degree in Two to Three Years
- Take 6 courses each semester
To Finish Your Degree in Three to Four Years
- Take 4–5 courses each semester
To Finish Your Degree in Five or More Years
- Take 2–3 courses each semester
Timelines may vary for students transferring credits from another school or based on course availability.
Convenient Online Format
This program's convenient online format gives you the flexibility you need to study around your busy schedule. You can skip the lengthy commute without sacrificing the quality of your education and prepare yourself for more rewarding career opportunities without leaving your home.
A Trusted Leader in Online Education

Penn State has a history of more than 100 years of distance education, and World Campus has been a leader in online learning for more than two decades. Our online learning environment offers the same quality education that our students experience on campus.
How to Apply to Penn State

How to Apply to Penn State
Apply by June 30 to start August 25
Application Instructions
Deadlines and Important Dates
Complete your application and submit all required materials by the appropriate deadline. Your deadline will depend on the semester you plan to start your courses.
Fall Deadline
Apply by June 30 to start August 25Spring Deadline
Apply by October 31 to start January 12Summer Deadline
Apply by March 15, 2026, to start May 18, 2026
New students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA by March 1. Please visit the Office of Student Aid website for more information about applying for financial aid and recommended deadlines.
Steps to Apply
To apply for this program, you must be a high school graduate or have completed your GED.
Entrance-to-Major Requirements
This degree program includes Entrance-to-Major requirements (ETMs). After you are admitted to Penn State, you’ll complete them during your first few semesters to officially become a psychology major. If you satisfy these requirements with transfer credits, you’ll be admitted directly into the major.
You will need the following items to complete your application:
High school transcripts or GED transcript — First-year applicants are required to submit Self-Reported Academic Records (SRAR) when applying. Official high school transcripts for first-year applicants will only be required at the time a student accepts an offer of admission to Penn State.
Transfer international students will need to submit their high school transcript before their application can be reviewed.
Official college or university transcripts and/or official military transcripts (if applicable) — All college or university transcripts are required regardless of the length of time that has passed, the grades earned, or the accreditation of the institutions attended. Acceptance of transfer credit toward your degree is subject to final approval by the academic department. For detailed information, see the Transfer Students page.
Transcripts not in English must be accompanied by a certified translation.
English Proficiency — The language of instruction at Penn State is English. With some exceptions, international applicants must take and submit scores for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Minimum test scores and exceptions are found in the English Language Proficiency section on the Undergraduate Admissions International Requirements page. Visit the TOEFL website for testing information. Penn State's institutional code is 2660.
To begin the online application, you will need a Penn State account.
Create a New Penn State Account
If you have any problems during this process, contact an admissions counselor at [email protected].
Please note: Former Penn State students may not need to complete the admissions application or create a new Penn State account. Please visit our Returning Students page for instructions.
Accessing MyPennState
The MyPennState Portal provides access to our online admissions services. Before accessing MyPennState, you must have a Penn State account that will be used to access all Penn State systems. After creating an account, you will receive a unique Penn State User ID. You will need to enter your User ID followed by @psu.edu when signing in to MyPennState and other Penn State sites. For example, you should be entering something like '[email protected]' in the Sign In field.
The application consists of six sections:
- Application Setup
- Program of Study
- Citizenship and Residency
- Academics and Experience
- Miscellaneous
- Review and Submit
Application Setup
Be sure to select "Online" for the "How would you like to complete your degree" question if you plan to attend Penn State World Campus.
The rest of this section will ask some basic questions about your education experience and military affiliation.
Program of Study
You will choose the degree type and then the starting semester.
Your starting campus will be selected as Penn State World Campus by default as long as you picked "Online" in your Application Setup. Click Continue.
On the Choose a Program page, select your intended major from the list.
Review your selection on the summary screen and click Continue to move on to the Citizenship and Residency section.
Citizenship and Residency
Complete the series of questions about your citizenship status, demographic information, Pennsylvania residency status, and family history.
Academics and Experience
You will need to enter academic experience information about your high school and any attempted courses at a college or university after high school.
The Education Gap Statement offers a place to explain any time that has elapsed between your high school graduation and your anticipated enrollment at Penn State. Please provide a summary of why that gap occurred. Some examples that would explain a gap in your education include work, family, attending another college or university, etc.
In the Miscellaneous section, you will provide any program-specific requirements (e.g., a personal statement), information about activities, and financial aid information.
Review and Submit
Review your information, digitally sign your application, and provide payment for the application fee ($65 domestic or $75 international).
High School Transcripts and Academic Record
After your application is completed, you will also need to self-report your high school course work before the application deadline. You will be directed to fill out the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR). It is helpful to have a high school transcript available when completing this section. In the third section, you'll select your program of study and campus.
Official high school transcripts or GED transcript, along with records from high school, are required, regardless of the length of time that has passed.
Include any college/university transcripts (required), military transcripts, and Proof of English Language proficiency (if applicable). SAT/ACT scores are not required if you are identified as an adult learner or transfer student.
All official documents should be sent to:
Undergraduate Admissions Office
The Pennsylvania State University
201 Shields Building
University Park, PA 16802You can also have your transcripts sent electronically through Parchment, eScript-Safe, or the National Clearinghouse directly to Penn State from the college/university where course work was attempted.
After receiving your application, application fee, and all required materials, your application will be evaluated for admission. You can check your application status online. This will provide the most up‐to‐date information about the status of your application and is updated once daily, before 8:00 a.m. (ET). Once a decision has been made regarding your application, it will be available to you through the MyPennState portal.
For information on when you can expect an admissions decision, visit the Dates and Deadlines page of the Undergraduate Admissions website. Make sure you click the "+" sign to see these dates for World Campus Applicants (First-Year and Transfer).
5. Complete the application.
Admissions Help
If you have questions about the admissions process, contact an admissions counselor at [email protected].
Contact Us

Contact Us
Have questions or want more information? We're happy to talk.
To learn more about the Bachelor of Science in Psychology, please contact:
World Campus Admissions Counselors
Phone: 814-863-5386
[email protected]
Learn from the Best
Learn from the Best
You will have the opportunity to study with highly regarded faculty from Penn State's College of the Liberal Arts, one of the premier liberal arts institutions in the world.
Rodrigo Cardenas
- DegreePh.D., Cognitive Psychology, Michigan State University
- DegreeM.A., Anthropology, Michigan State University
- DegreeB.A., Anthropology, Universidad Austral de Chile
Dr. Rodrigo Cardenas studies how evolution has shaped human cognition to aid social behavior. He examines how people use facial and vocal cues to make decisions about how to interact with conspecifics, and how these processes are regulated by neuroendocrine systems. He also studies how cognition supports parental and alloparental care, how infants have evolved the capacity to solicit care, and how cognition is tuned to detect, encode/store, and process care soliciting information. He has taught Introductory Psychology, Research Methods, Cognitive and Social Psychology, Cognitive Development, and Learning and Memory.
Richard Carlson
DegreePh.D., Psychology, University of IllinoisDr. Richard Carlson studies the conscious control of skilled mental activity. His recent research focuses on the roles of emotional valence and cognitive load in control of mental activities, and on the monitoring of control. Examples include factors affecting how much we feel in control moment by moment, and how we judge our confidence in our performance. Dr. Carlson is coordinator of Penn State World Campus' Psychology program, and teaches the internship course (PSYCH 495).
Brian Crosby
DegreePh.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Southern MississippiDr. Brian Crosby has been teaching for Penn State World Campus since 2010. His interests focus primarily in the areas of clinical psychology and child/adolescent development. He was responsible for developing Child Psychopathology (PSYCH 476) for the World Campus psychology program. Dr. Crosby's research focuses on sleep in children, including the importance of sleep for the emotional and behavioral functioning of children and the well-being of families.
Khytam Dawood
DegreePh.D., Psychology, Northwestern UniversityDr. Khytam Dawood has particular expertise in the fields of human sexuality and childhood gender identity, and the treatment of adolescent eating disorders, women's mental health, and marital/couple's therapy. She also runs a research lab where she conducts family and twin studies on the behavior genetics of sexual orientation and gender identity. She has regularly taught courses in psychology, such as Human Sexuality, Introduction to Clinical Psychology, and Introduction to Abnormal Psychology.
Alicia Drais-Parrillo
- DegreePh.D., Human Development and Family Studies, Penn State
- DegreeM.S., Family Resources, West Virginia University
- DegreeM.A., Curriculum and Instruction, West Virginia University
- DegreeB.A., Interdepartmental Studies, West Virginia University
Dr. Alicia Drais-Parrillo's interests are diverse and encompass several domains. She began her graduate studies intrigued by brain development, kinesiology, language development, and reading skills. Subsequently, her curiosity shifted to social development and parent-child interactions.
Michelle F. Guthrie Yarwood
- DegreePh.D., Experimental Psychology, Program: Social Psychology, Texas Tech University
- DegreeM.S., Psychology, Shippensburg University
- DegreeB.S., Fashion Merchandising, University of Delaware
- DegreeBusiness Administration, Marketing, University of Delaware
Dr. Michelle F. Guthrie Yarwood's teaching interests include social psychology, personality psychology, human emotion, close relationships, social/personality development, applied social psychology, and positive psychology. Her research interests focus on close relationships, including love styles, online dating, respect, and the human-pet relationship. Additional research interests include the effectiveness of teaching strategies on learning, and the relationship between personality and various constructs (i.e., parenting styles, artistic drawings).
E. Christina Ford
- DegreePh.D., Developmental Psychology, University of California Los Angeles
- DegreeM.A., Developmental Psychology, University of California Los Angeles
- DegreeM.A., Counselor Education, Penn State
- DegreeB.S., Political Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dr. E. Christina Ford's academic focus is on cognitive development. She is particularly interested in how children learn about math and how teachers learn about their students.
Cathleen Hunt
- DegreePh.D., Psychology, University of Arizona
- DegreeM.A., Psychology, California State University at Sacramento
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, University of California, Davis
Dr. Cathleen Hunt teaches courses in Ethology and Evolutionary Psychology, as well as Introduction to Learning Psychology and Introduction to Developmental Psychology.
Melissa Hunter
- DegreePh.D., School Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi
- DegreeM.A., School Psychology, University of Southern Mississippi
- DegreeB.A., University of Central Arkansas
Dr. Melissa Hunter is a licensed psychologist in the state of Pennsylvania with more than 10 years of experience working with children with developmental and behavioral disorders and their families. She has been teaching at Penn State since 2012 and has taught such courses as Child Psychopathology, Developmental Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Senior Seminar in Psychology.
Beth LeBreton
- DegreePh.D., Purdue University
- DegreeM.S., Illinois State University
Dr. Beth LeBreton has been teaching psychology for approximately 15 years. She has also worked as a social worker, career counselor, and therapist. Her research interests include adolescent development and adult development and aging.
Jeffrey M. Love
- DegreePh.D., Applied Biopsychology, University of New Orleans
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, Ohio State University
Dr. Jeffrey M. Love's research interests include neuropsychology and emerging adulthood. He has contributed to a New Orleans research team focused on improving malingering detection sensitivity through refining the criteria and validating markers. His interests have also involved studying frontal lobe deficits, such as those occurring after TBI. More recently, Dr. Love has shifted to investigate emerging adulthood. Here, he seeks to examine the application of several adolescent concepts to emerging adulthood, to determine their potential relevance to this conceptually new developmental time period.
Anthony J. Nelson
- DegreePh.D., Social Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeM.S., Social Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, State University of New York at Cortland
Dr. Anthony J. Nelson is an assistant teaching professor of psychology. He teaches courses in social psychology, positive psychology, research methods, and statistics. He runs the Online Social Perception Lab, an all-online psychology lab giving World Campus students an opportunity to practice psychological research. Additionally, he is an adviser for Active Minds at Penn State World Campus, an organization dedicated to reducing the stigma associated with mental illness. Dr. Nelson's research focuses primarily on the role that social cues (e.g., gender, race, emotion) play in moderating perceptions.
Nicolas Pearson
- DegreePh.D., Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeM.S., Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, Penn State
Dr. Nicholas Pearson, an assistant teaching professor in psychology, teaches resident instruction courses at the University Park campus and online courses through Penn State World Campus. His main area of interest is in social psychology addressing issues of social justice.
Andrew Peck
- DegreeB.A., Psychology, Villanova University
- DegreeM.S., Cognitive Psychology, Penn State
- DegreePh.D., Cognitive Psychology, Penn State
Dr. Andrew Peck is one of the co-authors of Introductory Psychology and author of Psychology as a Science and Profession. He is a teaching professor and associate director of Undergraduate Studies for the Department of Psychology; he is also director of the PRISM (Penn Staters Researching Interventions for Social Misconduct) research group. Dr. Peck has worked as an educational software designer and consultant. He has been recognized by a number of student organizations, and featured in Penn State videos and local newspaper stories.
Melissa Plaufcan
- DegreePh.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Akron
- DegreeM.A., University of Akron
- DegreeB.A., Psychology, University of Akron
Dr. Melissa Plaufcan is an assistant teaching professor of psychology and a licensed psychologist in the state of Pennsylvania. Her teaching interests include clinically focused courses, such as Abnormal Psychology, in which she can incorporate her experience working with a variety of individuals with mental illness to illustrate course concepts. She has also taught a variety of Penn State World Campus courses including Psychology as a Science and Profession, Introduction to Well-Being and Positive Psychology, Advanced Abnormal Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Psychology of Fear and Stress.
Amie Skattebo
- DegreePh.D., Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeM.S., Psychology, Penn State
Dr. Amie Skattebo is an assistant professor in psychology. Her area of emphasis is industrial and organizational psychology, with specific interests in organizational climate, change, and appraisal. She has been teaching since 2003, full-time since 2009. While teaching is her main passion, Dr. Skattebo has completed a number of consulting projects as a subcontractor with a local consulting company, and she offers a balanced scientist-practitioner approach in her instruction.
Lisa Stevenson
- DegreeM.S., Cognitive Psychology, Penn State
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, Penn State
Lisa Stevenson typically instructs Introduction to Psychology and Psychology as a Science and Profession. Her current research interests include prospective memory (remembering or forgetting to carry out intentions at a future time) and metacognition.
Josh Wede
- DegreePh.D., Cognitive Psychology, Purdue University
- DegreeM.S., Cognitive Psychology, Purdue University
- DegreeB.S., Psychology and Animal Science, Iowa State University
Dr. Josh Wede, an instructor of psychology, regularly teaches Introduction to Cognitive Psychology. His current research looks at student study habits and ways to improve learning in the classroom environment.
Jason Williams
- DegreePh.D., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Central Michigan University
- DegreeM.A., Industrial/Organizational Psychology, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
- DegreeB.S., Psychology, University of Pittsburgh
- DegreeB.A., English Literature, University of Pittsburgh
- DegreeAAS, Occupational Therapy, Pennsylvania College of Technology
Dr. Jason Williams, as an educator and industrial-organizational psychologist, attempts to bring the science of psychology into the classroom and the workplace in order to make science accessible and useful. He actively works to narrow the gap between science and practice and places a strong emphasis on critical thinking and applied learning. In this way, students can gain a deeper understanding of material, allowing them to use most effectively what they are learning as individuals, employees, and leaders. His areas of greatest interest are selection, personality, motivation, and leadership.
David J. Wimer
- DegreePh.D., Counseling Psychology, University of Akron
- DegreeM.A., Social Psychology, Miami University (Ohio)
- DegreeB.A., Psychology and English Literature, Ithaca College
Dr. David J. Wimer enjoys teaching clinical-oriented courses such as Abnormal Psychology and The Psychology of Adjustment; his clinical experience enhances his teaching (and vice versa). He is a veteran who served in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps. Dr. Wimer's main research interest is the psychology of men and masculinity, and he is a manuscript reviewer for several masculinity journals. He has also published research on the teaching of psychology and the psychology of humor. Dr. Wimer is interested in George Kelly's A Theory of Personality: The Psychology of Personal Constructs, and he has published in the Journal of Constructivist Psychology.
Judi Withrow
- DegreePh.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- DegreeB.A., Psychology, University at Buffalo
Dr. Judi Withrow's research has primarily focused on examining anxiety in youth. She also has an interest in examining treatment outcomes in children and adolescents. In addition to conducting research, she has a great deal of clinical experience within a variety of setting (e.g., hospital, family medical practice, and outpatient clinic). Dr. Withrow has taught several psychology courses with a focus on clinical issues (e.g., Abnormal Psychology, Child Intervention, Health Psychology, and Positive Psychology).