World Campus is Penn State
December 9, 2020
A graduate degree is typically more focused than an undergraduate degree and involves detailed study in a specific area — generally one that relates to the student’s current or intended career.
The face of the Nittany Lion Shrine
December 4, 2020
The groups expand the ways to be involved and build a sense of community online.
old main spring
November 20, 2020
Most bachelor’s degrees fall into one of two categories: Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science.
Katie Francis is wearing scrubs standing in front of a green plant with pink flowers
November 19, 2020
Katie Francis is using her nursing education skills to help train new hires, including traveling nurses who have come to the island to help with the pandemic.
A photo of the Seattle skyline
November 18, 2020
Graduates of the public administration master’s program are using their education to keep their communities running during the pandemic.
Shaun Gabbidon
November 13, 2020
Shaun Gabbidon teaches online for Penn State.
A flag waves with grass behind it
November 12, 2020
Penn State World Campus is celebrating hardworking military students from November 7–14 for Military Appreciation Week 2020.
People posing for a poto
November 11, 2020
World Campus provides military students from all branches access to a dedicated military support team and military-exclusive services, including their own undergraduate academic advising team.
The front entrance of the Business Building at Penn State
November 5, 2020
For the first time, the master’s degree in supply chain management will accept students in the spring semester.
library exterior
October 30, 2020
The Penn State World Campus admissions team has compiled a list of the most common mistakes made by applicants to our graduate programs in order to help you avoid the same pitfalls.
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