The words of the Nursing Sciences Building are shown on an awning hanging over the entrance.
April 5, 2021
How to get into nursing school to continue your education online.
old main facade
April 3, 2021
History is a fascinating area of study with a virtually endless assortment of specialization possibilities.
A screenshot is shown of LionVu showing counties in Pennsylvania
April 1, 2021
The LionVu mapping tool was created in 2015 but needed an update by 2020. This master's degree student made a new version.
a jail cell is shown
March 31, 2021
The events of this year’s fair are open to the Penn State World Campus community.
nonprofit university
March 26, 2021
Penn State World Campus students and alumni shared what they are studying and why they chose to pursue their college degrees online.
The "University" of the "Pennsylvania State University" sign is shown.
March 15, 2021
Penn State World Campus students will have a new slate of officers representing them next year.
Elementary school
March 10, 2021
K–12 teachers say earning a Penn State World Campus credential helped them transition to online instruction during the COVID-19 pandemic.
A sign on stone wall shows the name Donald P. Bellisario College of Communications
March 9, 2021
If you have an interest in content, media, or communications — or would enjoy helping organizations figure out the best ways to engage with their customers or audience — earning a communications degree or certificate may be a great move for you.
A student named James Elder wears his cap and gown in front of the Nittany Lion statue.
March 8, 2021
Jamie D. Elder, an organizational leadership student, talks about his journey to the University and his experiences in his major.
The front of the Health and Human Development Building is shown
February 22, 2021
When the COVID pandemic prevented human development and family studies majors from completing required in-person internships, instructors developed two courses to provide them with career-building skills.
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